Nina is probably one of, or even THE most important investments I have made in all the years I have been on this earth
Niamh G (Co Louth)
Nina did such a super job that we brought her in again and again and we cannot believe the results – she gave us rooms beyond our wildest dreams, superb! We still get that ‘Wow!’ when friends come for the first time. Nina has amazingly workable ideas. I highly recommend her.
Kathleen H (Tipperary)
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Bookings (In Person & Virtual)
Happier Healthier Homes & Workspaces
If our homes and workspaces are happier and healthier then we can be happier and healthier. A brand can be a powerful force for change and I hope you will support me in my efforts to promote the use of healthier goods and materials in our buildings so we can lead happier, healthier lives. Like the ripples in a pond, everything we do in our lifetime can affect up to 7 generations that follow after us.
Indoor air can contain 900 different chemicals, particles and biological matter, and can be ten times more polluted than ambient air
Over the last few decades we have begun to spend more and more time at home. There has been a rise in home-based activities such as home entertaining and open learning, and online activities such as shopping have also increased the amount of time we spend in our homes. Since the pandemic began, 98% of our time is being spent indoors working, studying, schooling children, worshipping, shopping, relaxing and exercising, so it makes sense to consider the impact the indoor environment has on us. Read this article to better understand how dangerous chemicals present in common household effects can be:
Scented candles, air fresheners, room diffusers, cleaning agents, furniture finishes and unhealthy materials are creating indoor pollutants
This is raising concerns about poor indoor air quality, as well as lack of thermal and acoustic insulation and low standards of comfort (due to many factors including climate and social and economic issues), with many older homes falling below acceptable levels. Challenges concerning our indoor environment include mould, increased CO2 levels and chemical contamination.
Air pollution causes 15% of lung cancer deaths, 20% of fatal heart disease, 25% of respiratory infection deaths, and 60% of dementia cases
Modern buildings are often sealed units with elevated levels of CO2 due to poor ventilation. The presence of highly toxic materials and finishes that off-gas and reduced access to fresh air leads to stale and chemically contaminated indoor air. Good ventilation and fresh air, natural sunlight, indoor plants and attractive views from windows are essential for better health and wellbeing and result in a healthier indoor climate.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a result of sunlight deficiency and impacts a person’s natural body clock and their sleep patterns
Sleep is essential to health and longevity, and for clarity of mind as well as putting us in a good mood. We can start improving our own health and that of the buildings we live and work in by increasing our exposure to natural light, as well as the health of our planet through minimising the use of highly toxic synthetic materials and finishes in both residential and commercial environments by choosing healthier eco-friendly alternatives, so we can live better for longer.